I know how hard it is to constantly feel different to anyone else around you and to be reacting to the world in a different way and then thinking you're the wrong one; you feel like you have to mould yourself into something you’re not.
To be told that you’re too sensitive, you're too emotional, you’re weird, don’t be such a drama queen, get a tougher skin.
And after 20 years of trying to be more like them and people please, I realised…
Your weirdness is your magic.
You’re alright, you don’t have to change who you are, what you need to change is how you perceive your sensitivity. If you love who you are and embrace yourself fully, your sensitivity will become your superpower.
I attended all the self-development courses, I read all the inspirational books, I practiced introspective work and meditation techniques. Until I came across a life coach who specialized in highly sensitive women and I realised that I was like her. I understood it’s ok to be me, I’m not wrong and there are many other women like me.
Highly sensitive people are incredibly powerful and we can do amazing things in this world too.
All of a sudden I stopped feeling out of place, changing career multiple times, moving to a different city but still feeling lost and incomplete. The moment when everything fell into place was when I found out I was an Empath. This is why I always felt different. And I discovered that coaching was my calling. I finally found my purpose. I wanted to reach out to other women like me, to help them to develop their self-awareness and to find their direction in life.
I decided that my mission was to empower highly sensitive women because I don’t want any other woman to think she’s wrong because she’s sensitive. I want women to stop thinking they’re weak and they need to change. I believe fitting in is boring, and you must embrace your unique self.
I want to support highly sensitive women in following their true heart’s desires with confidence and courage, because it takes courage to make life-style changes and to dare to be different. But this is what it takes to create a fulfilling life, a life that fits you, not a life created by fitting into someone else’s mould.
For me being weird is a compliment now because it means I’ve found the courage to be myself and it shows. I thank people when they tell me I’m weird. My renewed self-confidence has attracted better things into my life, more opportunities and wonderful people who bring love and joy into my world.
In order to be happy and flourish I learned I had to find the right balance and recharge when needed, so that I can use my empathy at best, be a better person and still be of service to others. I also learned to create healthy boundaries and my self-care is fierce.
Highly sensitive people can rock the world!
And you can rock it too, when you truly understand that there's nothing wrong with being sensitive, you accept your truths and you start taking care of yourself on a new level.