You’re highly sensitive and you feel everything, a lot. 

You feel your emotions and those of the people around you, so it can get really overwhelming at times. And you wish you could feel just a little less… 

I get it, I’ve been there. I was thinking ‘why do I have to feel everything so much?’

Feeling is living. 

If you feel everything, you’re living a full life. 

This is what life is all about, experiencing the full range of emotions, because we are emotional beings. 

Pushing emotions away is unhealthy, for yourself and for your relationships. It’s like trying to push away life. Why would you want to do that?

Life is for living, and if you want to live life to the fullest, you also have to be brave and explore your emotions.

I used to be scared of all the strong emotions I was feeling, but now I love it. I love to be sensitive because life is never boring!

Imagine if you were to go through life without feeling anything, wouldn’t it be dull?

Highly sensitive people live life in technicolor! Our inner world is so rich.

Don’t get angry with yourself for being highly sensitive, your sensitivity is actually your greatest strength.

You are not weak. You have an extra ability which makes you sensitive to the people around you, to emotions, to environments and world events.

This ability is what can make you more capable to guide and support other people, or even heal them with your energy.

That’s why you need to accept yourself and your sensitivity.

Your sensitivity is the best part of you.

When things get too much, you can retreat or protect your energy by having low contact with people. You can shield yourself from other people’s energy or prevent them from latching onto you.

Once you honor your sensitivity and you are able to establish healthy boundaries with people, then you’ll be able to live a balanced life. You won’t be so easily frustrated and vulnerable anymore. And you will love your life.

Be happy with yourself and don’t apologize for being you. This is how you become unapologetically who you are.

It all starts with self-love.

If you love yourself, you will also be self-confident. If you feel confident, you’ll stop second guessing yourself or worrying about what other people think of you. You won’t need to justify your actions all the time.

If you love yourself, you’ll be kind to yourself and you won’t beat yourself up all the time for your shortcomings. Instead, you’ll be proud of who you are.

If you love yourself, low-self esteem has no place to exist, and you will accept yourself with all your imperfections. No one is perfect and if you struggle with perfectionism, then this is a sign your self-esteem is low.

Are you ready to work on your self-love and to feel more confident, so that you can live your best life as a highly sensitive person?

Then you also must be prepared to do the work it takes.

In coaching there’s a say ‘a goal is a dream with a date’.

Your goal will remain a dream unless you plan it and take action with a clear date in mind for when you would like to achieve it.

But first, you need to know what your values are, because they tell you about what’s important to you.

Our values inspire our actions, whether we are aware of this or not.

If we are self-aware, then we can take inspired and purposeful actions.

We can look at all this together if you are ready to do the work and you want to live the life you dream about.

Yes, I’m ready for a chat!


